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Welcome to Preshiate

Hi, I'm Ian, and I'm the creator behind Preshiate. As a solo creator, I handle all aspects of the project, including design, development, marketing, etc. I'm passionate about creating a platform that helps people appreciate and support each other. I believe that gratitude and appreciation are essential to building strong relationships and communities. I'm excited to share this platform with you and hope you find it useful.

My goal is to make an action-oriented social good platform that emphasizes values that contribute to a better world. That is grandiose for this project, but I believe that small actions can lead to big changes. I hope that Preshiate can be a small part of that change.

Looking ahead, I plan to explore growing the platform and adding features. If you're interested in collaborating, meeting up in Colorado, or have ideas to share, I'd love to hear from you. You can contact me at [email protected].